Money Personalities EBook

How To Identify and Navigate Money Mindsets As a Couple


The premise of the Money Personalities book is quite simple: different people with different money personalities behave and communicate in different ways.

By learning to recognize these behaviors in yourself and your significant other, you can discover how to communicate effectively with your partner based on their money personality. This understanding can help you address the underlying issues behind money-related arguments and foster a genuine collaborative approach to financial matters.

Leah provided the breakthrough my partner and I desperately needed in our relationship. We gained a deep understanding of what drives our money decisions, and we learned effective ways to discuss finances that are actually enjoyable!
— Tiffany Mercer

Are you speaking the same language—but your partner isn’t really hearing you?

You may attempt to communicate with your partner about money regularly…

but do you truly take the time to make sure you're communicating it the way your partner will receive it?

Even love can sometimes get lost in translation when two partners speak different money languages.


The Money Personalities EBook is designed to be the one resource you need to bridge the communication gap with your partner.

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll gain access to…

  • a quiz to discover your primary money personality, what it means, and how you can use it to better connect with your partner.

  • Tools to help you effectively communicate with your partner based on their money personality.

  • The ability to identify areas of financial compatibility and leverage them to build a solid foundation for happy, successful relationships.

I’ve read numerous books on personal finance, but this book goes beyond just financial advice and addresses the emotional aspects of money in relationships.
— Kimberly Williams

Our personality quiz guides you through the intricacies of each financial personality type and reveals the keys to effective communication.

Through this, you’ll…

  • discover the hidden keys to successful communication, enabling you to elevate your relationship and build a stronger, more harmonious connection.

  • Gain insights that will transform the way you navigate money matters, fostering mutual understanding, trust, and a shared vision for a prosperous future together.

  • Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the true potential of your relationship.

This experience opened our eyes to a whole new approach to money conversations. Leah taught me how to appreciate my wife’s perspectives on money, and together, we have developed a shared language when discussing our finances.
— Brett Jenkins

This book is for you if you’ve taken the initiative to have conversations around money but feel like you’re still at a standstill…

Do you find it challenging to understand your partner's optimistic and passionate approach to spending?

Are you experiencing challenges in your relationship due to your partner's inclination to prioritize giving and financial investments, occasionally neglecting their own needs?

Does your partner's drive for success and innovation often leave you feeling neglected or overshadowed?

Do you struggle to understand your partner's impulsive spending?

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and misunderstood in your financial discussions? Gain valuable insights into your partner's money personality and learn effective communication techniques to resolve conflicts.


About the Author

I'm Leah Marie Collins, a financial coach specializing in helping couples prevent money-related conflicts that can strain relationships.

Inspired by my own experience of calling off my wedding in 2020 due to financial incompatibility, I've since helped hundreds of couples build stronger relationships by teaching effective communication about money.