Money Scripts EBook

Strengthen your bond (and bank account)

Learn how to initiate productive discussions about money with your partner


Are you tired of feeling like you're going in circles in your relationship when it comes to money? Trust me, I’ve been there. my Money Scripts ebook empowers you to have courageous conversations about money with your partner.

Have you ever wondered…

"How should we split the bills?"

"Should we have joint or separate accounts?"

you’ll have the precise dialogue needed to start those all-important conversations about finances with your partner.

We began working with Leah because I was terrified of initiating money discussions with my partner. My partner and I are now comfortable talking about finances and are on the same page when it comes to our financial future.
— Patricia Lowe

According to a study by Fidelity Investments, 80% of women surveyed said they have refrained from discussing their finances with their spouse/partner.


Looking to take control of your finances and your relationship? With Money Scripts, you'll get…

  • A comprehensive guide to the top 10 topics you need to discuss with your partner to ensure a healthy and productive financial relationship.

  • The in-depth questions and discussion points I use to help you cover all the bases and create a strong financial foundation for your future together.

  • My ongoing strategy for maintaining open communication about finances, helping you avoid common pitfalls and conflicts in your relationship.


56% of women married to men leave financial planning and investment decisions to their husbands.

My husband and I have been talking about money easefully and often as a result of many of the tools and techniques Leah shared with us.
— Wendy Clarkson

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll gain…

  • my proven step-by-step framework on how to initiate conversations surrounding finances.

  • Security and sincerity in your relationship’s foundation.

  • Increased self-worth, confidence, and a healthier self-image within and beyond your relationship.

Leah has delivered outcomes that reversed years of unhealthy behaviors by helping me and my fiance understand the psychology behind our relationships with each other and money as well as navigate our cultural differences and how they pertain to money.
— Bianca and Brandon Dalton
My husband and I have been talking about money easefully and often as a result of many of the tools and techniques Leah shared with us.
— Tricia and Kyle Byrd

About the Author

I'm Leah Marie Collins, a financial coach specializing in helping couples prevent money-related conflicts that can strain relationships.

Inspired by my own experience of calling off my wedding in 2020 due to financial incompatibility, I've since helped hundreds of couples build stronger relationships by teaching effective communication about money.